Here I am up the 60 parallel! This small community, 1500, third largest town of this territory is the ''Yukon's gateway''. Twice the size of Great Britain. Capital : Whitehorse (23 000), then Dawson city with 1800, then Watson Lake! Mining is the territory's major industry (100B/year) then tourism.
I was dreaming of Yukon Falls and I am still there!!! ok, those images that I have in my head are much more North, but I can't go everywhere...I have to take in consideration all the distance to drive...! The light is perfect to take pictures, grass , trees, marsh an lichen gently changing colors. As example, lichen turned yellow mustard! I see almost everyday the sun....what a treat!
Many people say about Watson that you just pass through it and that's it...bah....I guess we don't have the same TiVi Channel....I went ...first to their cemetery then to the Northern Light Center which is very interesting for explanations about this '' wide screen TiVi Channel'' then I enjoyed my rest of my Yukon trip by the Watson Lake itself by observing beavers on duty, looneys who page other looneys, gold eagle, raven, speaking to local people who having unusual lifestyle for my eyes and watching at night Northern lights. Also, It was good to have a rest by this place because it seem to be warmer then the Northern BC. Exit cold and humidity! My toes once a while suffered, but what I can do??? yeah yeah...cayenne pepper....!
About the Sign Post I wrote before, it mainly all about Alaska Highway the North. It started in 1942 by a homesick US army GI engineers. He erected a sign here, pointing the way and stating the mileage to his hometown. Others followed his lead and today, there are up 60 000 cities panels signs and I wouldn't exagerate if I say 30%, even more, are from Germany...!