mercredi 31 octobre 2007

oups! Une defaillance!

Il n'y avait absolument rien de planifier dans cette video! JF et moi etions tout simplement sur la meme vibe, that's it! Mais c'est une fichue video dont je suis incapable de me departir! Voila un parfait exemple pour quiconque ne comprenant pas encore l'expression ''cracage d'orteil''! Mon TchouZin Dube Dube la Barbe et moi faisont les fous depuis que nous sommes tout cette journee etaut absolument extra bleu ciel. On peche, un castor vient de temps a autre, il fait beau et ...c'est cela! !

For the last 10 years I lived in a big city and this is where I'm from! 650km away from Montreal! It was last summertime during the fish festival. My good cousin and I decided to go to participate and we enjoyed all this beautiful sunny afternoon by the Rimouski River and once in while, a beaver came to us! Everything was under control, everything my friend! We didn't miss nothing! hihihihi! Perrrrrrfect! When I talk about ''cracking our big toe'', this is the perfect example! I should mentionned that my cousin and I didn't praticed for this video! We were just at the same vibe and our timing was good! That's it! Let's live by feeeeeeeling! hihihihi!